Anna Buczak
min read
Last Update:
October 8, 2024

If you think that in the age of high-speed internet, accessible knowledge, AI, and online courses at your fingertips, meetups have nothing to offer you, it’s a sure sign you probably don’t realize their full potential. You might have your doubts, especially if networking isn’t exactly your cup of tea.

Keeping up with the rapid pace of tech development is like running a marathon, and if you’re a developer, staying in the chase pack seems inevitable—especially in fast-moving industries that rely on technologies like blockchain. So, with that in mind, if you have five minutes, continue reading to learn why meetups are worth your time.

Meetups – The Benefits of Networking

Meetups are a fantastic place to exchange knowledge with people who are facing similar challenges and exploring similar technologies. This kind of interaction creates the perfect environment to quickly deepen your understanding, solve problems on the spot (without browsing endless forums), and see those challenges from a different perspective.

The IT industry is growing at lightning speed, and regularly attending meetups helps you stay up-to-date with the latest tools, technologies, and trends. When it comes to online courses, the key is to pick those that fit your interests and specializations. This is crucial for staying competitive in the job market and adapting to constantly changing tech and recruitment requirements.

If we had to pick the highlight of meetups, it would probably be the Q&A sessions. That’s when the best mix of ideas and perspectives comes to light. It’s a great time to digest what you’ve just heard and try to connect it to your own experiences.

Talking about real problems and brainstorming with other developers can open up new paths that might change how you think and tackle professional challenges.

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At first, I was skeptical about joining meetups, thinking I could find everything I needed online. But over time, as both a listener and speaker, I discovered their immense value. I often saw presentations that were not only well-prepared but also based on years of experience, which significantly broadened my horizons. Later, I started speaking myself and sharing my knowledge. I realized that whether you’re a listener or a speaker, you always leave a meetup with new insights.

Piotr Szymański
Frontend Developer

That Dreaded Small Talk

You might think meetups aren’t the best place for introverts. But until you show up at your first one, you’ll never know how much you can gain just by listening. And you don’t have to say a word!

The truth is that attending meetups opens doors to valuable industry connections. You’ll meet people who talk with passion and real tech enthusiasts. We don’t want to push you too hard out of your “comfort zone,” but building new connections isn’t just about exchanging experiences—it’s a great opportunity for personal growth and, let’s be honest, often for professional growth too.

Plot Twist: From Meetup to Job Opportunity

Got your eye on a company you’d like to work for? Check if they’re hosting any events! This isn’t a “found one simple trick” kind of advice, but it’s a great way to get a feel for the company culture. Speakers often mention open positions in their teams, and there’s usually someone from the recruitment team around as well.

Next Level: Being a Speaker at a Meetup

If you’ve broken the ice by chatting at a few events and are looking for a bigger challenge (and a potential boost for your career), why not apply to be a speaker?

Sharing your knowledge and showcasing your skills is a great way to build your reputation as an expert, especially in niche tech areas like blockchain. The rewards can be as significant as investing in Bitcoin (disclaimer: timing and sentiment matter). It’s an excellent opportunity to make a name for yourself in the industry and catch the attention of potential employers.

From “Interested” to “Definitely Attending”

Where can you find these events? Here are a few great places to start:

  • – the go-to place for finding both local and international meetups. Whether you’re into general software development or more specific areas, you’re bound to find something interesting. And if blockchain technology caught your attention, we’ve got you covered with a shortcut here.
  • Eventbrite – a wide range of events, including tech meetups covering various IT topics.
  • LinkedIn Events – use your professional network to discover events shared by your connections and industry groups.
  • Tech Conferences – often include smaller, more specialized meetups and workshops as part of larger events. These are perfect opportunities for deep dives into topics like blockchain.

Blockchain Devs Wrocław – Our Own Community

At ULAM LABS, we’ve created our community, Blockchain Devs Wrocław, where we regularly host meetups focused on the latest in blockchain technology and Web3 development. It’s a vibrant space where local enthusiasts, developers, and techies come together to share their experiences, showcase projects, and discuss the future of decentralized technologies. We always welcome new speakers, so if you have an interesting project or insight, don’t hesitate to present your talk. Of course, if you’d prefer to just listen and soak in the knowledge, that’s perfectly fine too.

Meetups might seem like just another item on your packed schedule, but they offer a lot. They’re platforms for learning and sharing knowledge, but also for developing interpersonal skills and building lasting professional relationships. So maybe it’s time to give them a shot?

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