At Ulam Labs, we build outstanding software that adds much value for our global customers. However, none of our solutions would bring value if it weren't for the bright minds that stand behind them. In our Employee Stories, we want to introduce the real people who solve our customers’ problems and help them shape the world around us.
Let’s meet our Frontend Developer, Patryk Grzyb!
How long have you worked at Ulam Labs and what do you do here?
I joined Ulam in August 2020. I'm a Frontend Developer and I’m responsible for creating the visual parts of the products.
How did you get the job at Ulam Labs?
I found an offer on the Internet and sent my CV. The answer was quick and we proceeded to the first step of recruitment where I had to prepare a simple app. What surprised me afterward, was that I’ve received a detailed code review and I could immediately see which parts of my code would require more work or could be improved. This isn’t that popular in other companies (at least not the ones I had applied for). I’ve had a really good first impression of Ulam Labs. Then, there was just a nice face-to-face conversation where I could learn more about Ulam Labs and tell about myself. After this meeting, I received an offer that was satisfactory for me, and here I am.

What was your technical development path?
I learned the basics of Javascript and React at the bootcamp, first as a student and then as a mentor. There was also a small chapter with Node.js but it wasn’t really my thing, so from that time, I knew that I’m going to focus on front-end technologies. In Ulam Labs, I had a chance to learn Vue and also created one mobile project in Flutter. Now, I'm mostly working with either React or Vue, alternately.
What do you enjoy most about working at UL?
I really like the fact that I can work from home most of the time and the communication with my team is still really good. We have daily meetings, weekly or biweekly plannings and for urgent things, we write to each other on Slack. Everyone is willing to help or advise and if there is an emergency, we can quickly manage it, even being in completely different places.
Tell us a few words about your current project
I started a new project one day ago, so there’s not much I can say right now, but I can tell something about the one we’ve just finished. We were creating a crypto app - from scratch. Within the app, users can connect their wallets from the most known blockchain networks (like Ethereum or Bitcoin) in one place. It has various interesting features like wallets and balance overview, history of transactions, contact creations, or crypto-to-crypto invoicing. The project was really interesting and there were many things that I was able to try for the first time, like logging in with Metamask, instead of the typical email/password form.
What skills are the most important for your role as Frontend Developer?
It’s hard to determine which skill is the most important but there are few significant ones for Frontend Developers in general. I have to be very meticulous and keep an eye on every little detail that is visible on the designs. I have to remember that everything needs to work smoothly on various devices. Also, patience is a really useful skill here because there are many situations where things do not act like we want them to, and only patience (and knowledge) can help you solve these problems.
What advice would you give others interested in working at Ulam Labs as a Frontend Developer?
Create your own small projects and don’t limit yourself to the things you already know. Try to learn something new in every possible situation and don’t be afraid of using new technologies. The knowledge you gain during creating your personal projects will eventually become useful, probably sooner than later.
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